Data tree generation

Data tree generation in Grasshopper

90% of Grasshopper users don’t follow the data tree generation process.  This is one of the biggest mistakes made by beginers and more advanced Grasshopper’s  users as well.  In this video, first I will present the manual process of creating trees. Then I will show four different groups of components that generate data trees automatically and explain how follow this process and avoid mistakes. 

This lesson is one of the middle lessons from my comprehensive Grasshopper Training, where I am taking a user with 0 programming experience, and going step-by-step through 13 well-structured modules with more than 300 practical exercises. This training is the first step to Becoming an Engineer 4.0 with skills that allow automating time-consuming work and taking design to the next level. Worth to mention that advanced users will learn a lot from this training as well.

On, you can sign up for the next edition of this online training and reserve your seat. You will land on my mailing list, which already consists of more than 5000 users, and I will let you know when the next edition starts and come with the best offer.

Now let’s go to the lesson!

Data tree generation in Grasshopper

Want to see more demo lessons from Grasshopper Fundamentals Training?

On the BIMCorner blog you can find another lesson. Module 01 Start, Lesson 02 Computational thinking.  From this lesson you will understand why Computational Thinking is one of the biggest superpowers of future engineers. Small disclaimer what Coputional Thinking is:

This is a set of skills needed to convert real-life challenges into tasks that can be solved with the help of a computer. Read the article and watch the video to get familiar with the computational thinking process.

Computational Thinking – Why should engineers care about it?

You can read and watch video HERE


Only on, you can you register for the next edition and get the best offer.


See you on the learning Platform!

Have a good one!

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After reading this guide you will learn:

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