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BIM on Construction Site

BIM on construction site

Articles in this section will help you understand how to use BIM as a contractor and use its potential on the construction site.


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Articles about BIM on construction site

Construction design management
BIM on Construction Site

Different roles of the construction design manager

The job needs to be done – how many times have we heard this sentence? It is often spoken in a situation where we do
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Managing design in practice
BIM on Construction Site

What is design management? Managing design in practice

Let’s imagine that you are the investor’s representative in a contract carried out in the traditional way: design, tender, and then construction. Or that you
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BIM construction cranes
BIM on Construction Site


Have you ever experienced that in your head you had “all this BIM” quite well arranged, but when it came to reality of the project, its
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BIM on construction part 3 -j
BIM on Construction Site

BIM in construction company and on site – part 3

Welcome in the third part of the serie ‘BIM on construction site’! As a reminder, in the first article we started with getting to know
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BIM on construction site part 2
BIM on Construction Site

BIM in construction company and on site – part 2

In the first part of ‘BIM on the construction site’ series, we got to know the first two steps required to implement BIM technology in
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BIM on construction site
BIM on Construction Site

BIM in construction company and on site? 10 steps to start!

You may create a ‘Road Map’ for the next 10 years to introduce BIM to your company, you may attend conferences and listen to the
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