Today I release the second video, which promotes my online training “Become a BIM Coordinator”. This time let’s talk about BIM coordination meetings. Do you know how to run them effectively?
In the video below, I give you some great suggestions on how to master coordination meetings. I’ll cover topics like:
- What should happen at a coordination meeting to make it as effective as possible?
- The most common meeting mistakes and how to avoid them,
- How to lead coordination meetings with confidence,
- Tools and techniques that will help you organize a perfect meeting.

These are ready-to-use solutions that can immediately be implemented in your work!
🎁🎁📣And here’s a surprise for you!
At the end of the video, I’ll tell you how you can enroll in the “Become a BIM Coordinator” course – for free! I can assure you that this is something worth fighting for!
BTW – Have you already booked your place at the webinar “How to become BIM coordinator”?
It takes place on the 22 February at 19:00 PM (CET) and is a must-attend event for everyone who wants to know the step-by-step PROCESS of acquiring skills needed in the BIM Coordination profession.
If are interested in the managerial part of the BIM…
Only those who register will receive valuable materials after the webinar such as a mind map and a link to the recording so you can watch it again in your own time.
The webinar will also be the premiere of my online course “Become a BIM Coordinator”. It is worth taking part as there will be special gifts for those present!
P.S. In case you missed it, here’s a link to the previous video from this series:

Write a comment here – Why YOU should get one of three free admissions to the BBC traning. 3 Best comments will get access to BBC course panel. Good luck
Hi Ignacy I wanted to thank you for the great help you are providing to the whole BIM community out there! I am a super fun of yours and I find very interesting, as well as inspirational all the advice you offer in any of your shared topic. I am looking for getting my basic BIM knowledge (UK&ITA experience, University Master & certificate) to the highest practical level possible in order to be able to manage any of my future BIM coordination appointment. I trust I am in the right place and I would love to be chosen as one of the guys who will get the free pass to the course.
Keep up with the good work! See you soon at the webinar.
This is great. I am in America and I am fascinated by the similarities and differences between countries and cultures when it comes to BIM and the use of this tool. Also would love a free spot and would not waste the opportunity, but if I don’t get it, still very interested to taking the course and gaining some new skills and perspectives.
Hi Ignacy! I have a huge interest on your BBC Course. I just get the role of BIM Coordinator at the company where I’m working. But to be honest, I get the role because of my interest on getting tools related to BIM all by my self, not because I was properly prepared. So, I really could take some big advantages from your course as I was doing with the videos you were uploading so far. Thanks in advance and good luck.
Hi Ignacy, I’ve been following your posts for long time now, thank you for all the awesome information you guys put out there. It would be amazing to get one of the free admissions as I’ve recently started a new bim manager role and I’m feeling a bit out of my dept! So any help would be amazing. Thanks again
Hello Ignacy.
You are the first one cover the all aspects of the BIM coordinator tasks.
So I hope to be one of the winners cause I started BIM coordinator position in my company last month.
Thanks and Regards
Hello thanks so much for this valuable information. The BIM coordinator position will improve in general thanks to this. I should get the ticket because It would make my life much easier. Thanks a lot Ignacy you are doing a great job with this.
HI Ignacy, first, thank you very much for sharing your experience in the field of construction, it has been really valuable for me.
I started back in 2010 on my own, learning Revit, only with the program manual (the truth is that in my country it is a bit difficult to access quality education) at that time, BIM was not a topic in Colombia, most of the professionals were not even heard of it.
Soon, I realized the potential of BIM tools and methods, so at all times I have been in search of sources of information with which I can continue building my knowledge and prepare myself for the market and the future.
It has not been possible for me to access paid studies (the currency of my country is too weak, and accessing courses abroad implies personal high debt).
And is for all of the above that I would be immensely grateful if I could have one of the three free admissions.
Thanks in advance,
Julian López
Hi Ignacy, I follow your work regularly and I have been adopting much of the content presented by you in my professional role as BIM Coordinator in Brazil. I am an architect, I work in a company that develops engineering projects for airports and, given the complexity of projects and the demands related to airport engineering, guidance regarding the optimization of my activities is essential. For the creation of the BEP, I have adopted the coordination and attribution model that meets the concepts you propose. You are one of the great references in the world of content related to BIM explained clearly and assertively related to the fields of processes and technological tools. How these two fields can integrate and integrate to achieve effective results for the final product: the construction.
Hello Ignacy,
I’ve become a certified BIM manager by Graphisoft last year. This course is an essential part of my journey for efficiency in my new role; so I hope I can win a spot.
First at all, I love your shirt Ignacy!
Where can I get one of those! 🙂
Seriously, I really do!
But Okay. Let’s get to the point: Why should I get one of those free tickets access?
I’m going to be completely honest with you, guys:
I’ sure out there they are people who deserve it more than I.
People older than me, people younger than me, people eager than me, people with real economic problems, people who live in a difficult o very problematic countrie, or people who just needs an opportunity to go on.
In my case I really, really, really want it, but I don’t know if I deserve it.
Short history:
Two year ago, when I was about to turn 50 and I first meet Revit, It took me one year to get my Autodesk Professional Certification in Architectural Design, when it normally take two year. Then, with the same discipline, the same courage, I start studying day and night, even weekend, MEP tool, Structural tools and Electrical tools until I dominate the entire software. Then I start with Revit Manage (customization), Dynamo and later Naviswork Manage
Suddenly something happened. Somewhere one day I read that you can manage all those software, but if you don’t understand BIM process you will never be a good BIM Coordinator.
Since then, six months ago, I start studying BIM Management.
I learned very important BIM concepts like BIM project lifecycle, BIM Uses, BIM levels and BIM maturity and Level of Development (LOD) and Assets and Facility Management, etc. Finally, I understand the important of a BIM Execution Plan for a project as part of an Action Plan, and all its Document and Legal implications.
This year, for the first BIM project I work as BIM Coordinator, I develop my action plan based on the book “Increasing Autodesk Revit Productivity for BIM Projects” (Fabio Roberti/Decio Ferreira) and I Took the the New Zeland handbook to create my BEP.
The whole process has been very hard. And I’ll do it all by myself, completely alone, with the only support of my family. But I realize the more than a BIM Coordinator I become a BIM evangelist. In my country, Costa Rica, architects handle Revit, but they do not know nothing about BIM Management.
If you award me with one of those free tickets you will not regret it.
Because I going to take the course “Become BIM Coordinator” with the same passion of the last two years, I am going to be the first of the class, -that’s my main goal- and I am not going to resign.
Some how, -I do not why-, BIM make me feel part of the World. The real world, the part of the world that change humanity forever.
I think that been a BIM Coodinator gives you the opportunity to deliver great projects with fewer errors during the construction and also without losing the creativity in the projects