BIM Software list

Ultimate BIM software list for BIM Coordinators

As we mentioned in previous articles of the series, BIM Coordinator has several roles and responsibilities throughout the implementation of the project (roles and responsibilities). Many of the performed tasks require appropriate soft skills as well as technical training and the ability to use specialized tools. Without them, it would be difficult, if not impossible to work. In today’s post, we take a closer look at different BIM Software which is often used by the BIM Coordinator at all project phases.

I tried to prepare a list of tools frequently chosen by the companies while working with BIM. Of course, the list could be much longer. Since the BIM software market is still growing and new solutions are being created. However, I decided to focus on software that is already fully tested in the “real world” and already has a great number of users. So, let’s go through the next phases of the project and see what kind of software the BIM Coordinator uses in each of them.

Table of Content


BIM Software - Initial project phase

Choosing right Common Data Enviroment

In the initial phase, when the project structure is not established yet, the choice of tools is strongly correlated with the ordering party’s requirements regarding project BIM implementation level (more about EIR here). At this phase, the working environment of the so-called CDE project should be chosen (more about Common Data Environment here). If the requirements are not high, then our CDE may include a local disk on a computer connected to the network, where the project data will be stored, i.e.: documents, plans, models, calculations, contracts, standards, etc.

In this case, each project participant needs to have access to the project drive to have the current version of each file. Currently, slowly but steadily, we are moving away from creating CDE on local drives and choosing cloud solutions. Such solutions are safer, give more freedom and offer possibilities that local drives do not have (e.g.: opening 3D models in a browser without using any special software).
Below you will find a list of popular tools used as CDE on projects:

BIM 360 is an advanced cloud-based Common Data Environment from Autodesk. A unified platform connecting your project teams and data in real-time, from design through construction, supporting informed decision-making and leading to more predictable and profitable outcomes
A cloud based document and information management solution for sharing, controlling and collaborating on project information with dispersed project teams. Viewpoint for Projects CDE will allow users customers to deliver level 2 BIM projects.
Cloud collaboration CDE for seamless collaboration across project disciplines, from concept to completion and beyond.
Trimble Connect is an open collaboration tool make project information traceable, transparent, and accessible to help users to build better. Allows users to view, share, and access project information from anywhere, at anytime.
Project collaboration software. It helps project teams to manage, share and distribute engineering project content and review in a single platform. While ProjectWise can manage any type of CAD, BIM, geospatial and project data, it integrates with Bentley applications, and other products including Autodesk software and Microsoft Office.
Is an open BIM platform for all disciplines to collaborate efficiently in building projects. BIM model data, information, documents and tasks are managed centrally over the complete building life cycle.


Is an openBIM collaborative platform using only open standards that connects information, tools, and people across all phases throughout the building lifecycle.

Dalux Box

Dalux Box is complete common data environment where BIM is intertwined in ONE environment! It keeps all files organized in one place and allows access information from your phone and deskopt application.

Microsoft SharePoint

SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Commonly used in bigger enterpises.

BIM Software for creating project documents

I wanted a complete list of tools, so let’s not forget about document creation software. At this phase of the BIM project, the coordinator is largely responsible for creating various types of plans (e.g. BEP), notes, describing standards, creating spreadsheets, summaries and presentations. In this case, the best solution would be well-known, MS Office package which will work perfectly here. Currently, there are many similar solutions on the market, such as the package offered by Google – G Suite or iWork for iOS users.

Office 365

Office 365 is a cloud-based subscription service that brings together the tools for the way people work today. By combining apps like Excel and Outlook with cloud services like OneDrive and Microsoft Teams, Office 365 lets anyone create and share anywhere on any device.


In one suite of tools, it offers solutions for email, word processing, spreadsheets, presentation decks, shared calendars, cloud storage, and much more.


Office package for Mac users. Similarly to Office and G Suite, tools give you the ability to create text documents, spreadsheets, presentations.

BIM Software for communication between project members

The communication tools between the participants of the project represent another group of daily use software. Without them, the workflow of the BIM Coordinator would not even be possible. Although they are not strictly design tools, they are a crucial element of design workflow. As in the case of office software, it is not our choice which software we will use for communication. It is a natural practice that we implement the software provided by our company. The most popular solutions include:

Microsoft Outlook

Old good Outlook is used mainly to send and receive emails. It can also be used to manage various types of personal data including calendar appointments and similar entries, tasks, contacts, and notes.

Microsoft Teams / Skype For Bussines

is a chat-based workspace with funconality of instant messaging, video conferencing, calling, and document collaboration.


Slack is essentially a chat room for your whole company, designed to replace email as your primary method of communication and sharing. Its workspaces allow you to organize communications by channels for group discussions and allows for private messages to share information, files, and more all in one place.

BIM Software for creating an information database in the model

Data Driven Design (more about DDD here) is an increasingly popular approach to creating a standardized system for recording information to geometric models. DDD assumes that the entire design process is based on a central database, which will be able to collect as many requirements and information as possible, and then synchronize and map selected data with the model.

In this case, the BIM Coordinator is often the person who helps to map the attributes from the database with the relevant parameters in the model. Some popular solutions of this type include:


dRofus is a planning, data management and BIM collaboration tool that provides all stakeholders with extensive workflow support and access to building information throughout the building lifecycle. dRofus was developed directly on behalf of public building owners. Capturing client requirements (EIR), validating design solutions (BIM) against client requirements, management of public standards and equipment planning are core features in the software.


It is a cloud based BIM data management system that brings speed and quality to your construction projects from idea in the early phases throughout the engineering and designing process and all the way to Facility Management.


CodeBook provides a narrative of the project life cycle, from inception through design, tender and construction to occupation by the facility users. Room and FF+E Asset data management for all types and size of building project.

BIM Software during project development - Design phase

Throughout the BIM project phase, the Coordinator starts receiving an increasing number of responsibilities. Their nature may vary and depend on the project, company and customer requirements. However, it is highly probable that some of the main responsibilities are to combine the industry models into a single, collective multidisciplinary model, checking for geometric collisions between the industries, and managing the detected defects by distributing them between team members. It is necessary to have coordination support programmes to perform these tasks properly. Some of the most popular are:

BIM Software for disciplinary/multidisciplinary coordination

Navisworks Manage

Navisworks is a comprehensive project review solution that supports 4D and 5D simulation, coordination, analysis, and communication of design intent and constructability.


Is a BIM Quality Assurance and Quality Control software. Providing out-of-the-box tools for BIM validation, compliance control, design process coordination, design review, analysis and code checking.

Trimble Quadri

Trimble Quadri is a common, centrally shared model solution for GIS & BIM data. It is a model server for infrastructure projects, supporting all phases and disciplines involved. Providing an object-, network-, and process-oriented model platform. 

Bexel Manager

BIM management software where all analysis are integrated into a single model and single solution. Bexel has funcionalies for implementing 3D 4D 5D 6D level of BIM in your project.

BIM Software for collision management

Once we have done a model collision check, the so-called issue trackers, issue managers, are quite useful tools. These are programmes that allow us to keep all collisions in the building in one database accessible for each of the project team members. Usually, these are web-based solutions with a desktop version. Such software makes collision management on a project much easier and intuitive.

BIM Track

is a cloud-based issue management platform for 3D BIM models coordination supporting OpenBIM standards.


BIMcollab Cloud is an issue collaboration platform for BIM, built on the widely accepted IFC and BCF open standards.


It is a real-time issue tracking software for Architecture, Engineering and Construction with a focus on collaboration and BIM project coordination.

BIM Software for creating a construction sequence simulations - BIM 4D

Depending on the nature of the workflow and the competence of the BIM Coordinator, the Coordinator may have to create a simulation of the workflow on the construction site, the so-called 4D simulation. Such simulations can be created in the following programs:


Synchro utilizes real time visualization to provide insight and control over your projects at every stage. An integrated CPM scheduling engine enables you to quickly and accurately visually review and update your project schedule in real time

Vico Office for Time

Vice Office combine the power of model-based estimating with the advanced flowline methodology of planning, creating detailed and accurate schedules. Software is easy to use and powerful.


iTwo is an integrated 4d, 5D BIM Cloud-based Construction Enterprise software to fully digitize companies in the building and construction industry.

Navisworks Simulate (mentioned above)

Navisworks in addition to the ability to coordinate and search for collisions also has a great set of tools for creating 4D simulations.

Bexel Manager (mentioned above)

Same as Navisworks Manage , Bexel is a complete coordination tool offering, in addition to collision checking, creating 4D simulations.

BIM Software to assess the information quality in the model

Besides geometry, the BIM coordinator is often required to check the information contained in the model. Such tasks can be performed using the abovementioned tools, such as Solibri, Navisworks or even Excel. On the market, some programmes bring the QA (Quality Assurance) process of modelled information to a higher level. Here is a list of the tools you can use:


Simplebim enables you to standardize, enrich and validate IFC models.  Validation capabilities will also help you define objects and properties as required and set lists of allowed property values.

BIM Assure

BIM Assure is a collaborative, cloud solution that unlocks BIM data and helps entire project teams collaborate on data quality. BIM Assure’s intelligent rules help quickly identify and resolve issues to improve BIM data quality.

BIM Software for modelling BIM 3D geometry

I think every BIM Coordinator working with design should know at least one 3D modelling program well. Thus they can understand the designers’ problems better and help them to work more effectively. Currently, there are many advanced tools for creating models on the market. Among the most popular are:


One of the most used BIM modeling software in the industry. Made for architectural design, MEP, structural design, detailing, engineering, and construction. Available alone or as part of the AEC Collection. Compatible with Microsoft Windows only.

Tekla Structures

Tekla is a building information modeling software able to model structures that incorporate different kinds of building materials, including steel, concrete, timber and glass.Tekla allows structural drafters and engineers to design a building structure and its components using 3D modeling, generate 2D drawings and access building information.


ArchiCAD is a complete design suite with 2D and 3D drafting, visualization and other building information modeling functions for architects, designers and planners. A wide range of software applications are integrated in ARCHICAD to cover most of the design needs of an architectural office.

Civil 3D

Civil 3D is creative software used by Civil engineers and Architect professionals to plan, design, and manage civil engineering projects. It is a solution that creates civil engineering design and documentation that supports CAD and BIM workflows.


Novapoint is a platform for designing and documenting infrastructure and terrain projects. Its allowing civil engineers to effectively design all aspects of modern roads, railways, tunnels, bridges, water and sewer.


Vectorworks has the flexibility to support your entire project from beginning to end, or anywhere in the process — from conceptual design, to fully coordinated BIM models, to construction documents. It’s the versatile solution you need to pull everything together and increase your efficiency.


It is an all-in-one building information modeling software that gives architects and engineers full control over their designs and the ability to create building designs and structural models with creativity, freedom and flexibility


Rhino is a universal building information modeling software solution the gives architects and engineers full control over their projects and the ability to produce building designs and construction models with creativity, freedom, and flexibility.


Naviate is not a modeling software, but a set of tools that enhance workflows done in programs like Revit and Civil 3D. Naviate gives a user possibility to improve and simplify common workflows and tasks during various design phases.

BIM Software for parametric modelling/programming

While designing, we may also have to deal with models that cannot be created using a standard range of modelling tools. In order to be able to create unlimited geometry, it is worth thinking about parametric modelling/programming software. Not only do they help to create geometry, but they are also great for automating repetitive tasks and managing information in the model more efficiently. The most popular solutions on the market include:


Dynamo is a graphical programming interface that lets you customize your building information workflow. Dynamo is an open source visual programming platform for designers. Mostly used by Revit users.


is an algorithmic modeling plugin for Rhino that uses a visual programming language. Grasshopper allows you to reference Rhino geometry objects from it (points, curves, surfaces, etc.), create geometry or bake Grasshopper geometry back into Rhino.


It is cross-platform graphical scripting tool available in a BIM authoring tool that allows easy and efficient creation of different design variations and intelligent parametric objects. Mostly used by Vectorworks users

BIM Software for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality usage

The use of VR and AR is increasingly common in designing workflow. The technology not only allows us to move the designed object from a flat screen to a more “immersive” environment but also improves the decision-making process of choosing the designing solutions. Although dealing with the implementation of this technology in a project is not a typical task of the BIM Coordinator, there are cases when the customer wishes to implement it. Here, the BIM Coordinator may use such tools as:


It is a VDC solution for the construction industry which provides VR, Coordination, Collaboration, 4D construction simulation, 5D cost tracking.

Revizto (mentioned above)

In addition to tracking and saving information about collisions, Revizto also has very well developed options for transferring the model to Virtual Reality.


It is a cloud-based 3D communication tool that works on desktop computers, the web, smartphones, tablets, augmented reality gear, and virtual reality glasses.

Iris VR

Immersive walkthroughs and VR meetings in one click. Works with SketchUp, Revit, Navisworks, Rhino files in Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest, HTC Vive and many others.


is a virtual reality and real-time rendering plugin for Autodesk Revit. With just one click, you can start Enscape and within seconds walk through your fully rendered project.


Join your team in VR to view models, collaborate or do coordination meetings (people can also join from a desktop). Cloudbased tool, supporting OpenBIM standards. Integrations with software like Bimsync, BIM Track, BIM360, Bimcollab and StreamBIM allows for a highly efficient and easy workflow.


Brings you inside your design with virtual reality. Great to conduct virtual reality coordination meetings. VR for BIM 360, Navisworks, Revit, and Sketchup.

Dalux TwimBIM

Give you possibility to interact with your BIM model on the construction site through Augmented Reality. Compatible with Google ARCore and iOS ARKit.

BIM Software to "Gamificate" the project

Another innovation beginning to appear frequently in the design industry is the use of computer games – the so-called Project Gamification. But what does it really mean? Essentially, moving a design model or models into the game world, where we become the main protagonist and our project is a “board”. This is a great method of visualizing the project, creating interactive safety training and providing various analyses.

Just as VR or AR, Gamification is not an area that BIM Coordinator will deal with daily. However, the Coordinator may be somehow involved in the development of the game on the project and support the people responsible for it with the proper preparation of BIM models or, for example, exports. Currently, the most popular game engines used in the construction industry include:

Unity / Unity Reflect

Unity is a real-time development platform to create 3D, 2D VR & AR visualizations for games, transportation, film and animation.

Unity Reflect brings multiple BIM models from Autodesk Revit with all their metadata to real-time 3D enviroment and maintains a live link between them.


Unreal is development tools made for anyone working with real-time technology. From enterprise applications and cinematic experiences to high-quality games across PC, console, mobile, VR and AR.

BIM Software for construction phase

Use of models on site

The BIM coordinator working for the contractor often deals with project documentation on site. A tablet will accompany them at work. To use this device properly, the coordinator needs to install appropriate applications giving access to documents, plans, and models. Such applications include:

Dalux Field

Application for seamlessly transferring your model from desktop environment to construction site.


StreamBIM is intuitive, and user-friendly 3D BIM software that works on the job site on mobile devices and tablets.


SiteVision is a user-friendly outdoor augmented reality system that brings data to life so you can visualize and explore complex information with unrivaled accuracy.


As you can see, the list of tools the BIM Coordinator may use is quite substantial. In the above list, I have only mentioned the tools, I have met or used during my work as a coordinator. We have many other great solutions on the market offering full possibilities of modelling, coordinating, analyzing and simulating models. By creating this list, I aimed to give the reader a pretty good overview of what tools the BIM Coordinator can use in work.

I would also like to note that there are several other areas where the BIM Coordinator may be somehow involved. These are, among others, the use of the model for project cost analysis (BIM 5D) or Facility Management (7D). However, I decided to leave these topics for another article.

And you, which BIM tools do you use in your work? Please share your list of programmes in the comment section and let us know what solutions other industry professionals recommend.

BIM Coordinator guide


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Chris Kyser
Chris Kyser
5 years ago

I am happy to provide more information on Fuzor. We also offer a full suite of analysis tools and a fully stocked content library,. Additionally, Fuzor is a Common Data Environment that supports loading your Revit, Navisworks, Archicad, Point Cloud, Sketchup, Rhino, and FBX models.

Cad Services
Cad Services
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing this information is useful for us, also I read an article on the same theme

Максим Терентьев
Максим Терентьев
4 years ago

Can you add our program – Renga ( to the list?

4 years ago

Thank you for a suggestion. I am going to update the list soon so will add it to the list then.

Jaheer Shaik
Jaheer Shaik
4 years ago

Of course, what a magnificent website and illuminating posts, I definitely will bookmark your blog.Have an awsome day!

bim software training Hyderabad | 5D BIM Training Course

4 years ago

Missed the leading AR/MR visualization system –

James Clifton
3 years ago

Please consider adding AVAIL ( under content management software. Thanks

Florian Radely
3 years ago

Please add the leading CDE solutions (tpCDE, Conclude CDE and EPLASS) provided by thinkproject –

Hardwik Urbano
2 years ago

Hello to every one,
Firstly, thanks for sharing this info, very interesting to know about it.

In my experience with BIM Software for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality usage, we can add a Mixed Reality (a sort of Augmented Reality with tools for measuring 3d Model to 3 Model, Reality to Reality and 3d Model to Reality)
For Mixed Reality applications, I use Trimble Connect with a HoloLens 2.




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