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Data in BIM

Data in BIM

In the materials in this section, you will learn how to manage the data in your BIM model to get the most out of it.


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Articles about Data in BIM

Data in BIM

Things to know about data quality

No data is better than bad data. I am not sure if this is a quotation from a known person (definitely not Albert Einstein, nor
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Data in BIM

Prevent property errors – Data Types Explained

How many times did you helplessly look at different schedules or take-offs and was wondering if that is even possible to make such mistakes? How
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What is data-featured image
Data in BIM

What is data? Introduction to Data Management in BIM

In my day-to-day job, as a Digital Collaboration Coordinator, I spend many hours collecting, checking and managing various kinds of BIM data. Far too many
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How does dRofus work Featured image
Data in BIM

How does dRofus work? Solution for Data-Driven Design workflow

During the last year, I was writing a lot about Data-Driven Design and dRofus here, on BIM Corner. I was trying to focus on the
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Featured image-How to save time in an Early-Design phase
Data in BIM

How to save time in an Early-Design phase?

Not so long ago, during a discussion about connection database to model, I asked my colleague: “How do architects manage their data without a database?
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Structured Building Data and its frictionless flow
Data in BIM

Structured Building Data and It’s Frictionless Flow

Building projects contain a lot of data, which means they need to be managed and structured. Otherwise, it can really affect the return on investment
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